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Scientist Profile

Alina Khan

Professor Michael Grove

ENGL 21003 – Section D2(27680)

Re-write: December 5, 2018


Biography of Sally G. Hoskins

              Among the many different fields in science, the study of neural development is the most  fascinating. One of the greatest influencers in the field of the embryonic nervous system research is Professor Sally G. Hoskins. Professor Sally Hoskins is a biology professor at City College of New York and a development biologist. Known for her development and commitment of the methodological strategy known as C.R.E.A.T.E, Hoskins has left an impact on creativity. Her strategy is defined as “Consider, Read, Elucidate hypotheses, Analyze and interpret data, and Think of the next Experiment(Hoskins, 2017).” C.R.E.A.T.E is a model used for critical thinking and experimental design. Similarly, creativity is defined as the use of the imagination of original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. It is a process that can hardly be linked with scientific research grounded in pure empiric experience. However, there are many examples of great inventors and scientists who had proven that one cannot exist without the other. Among them is Sally G. Hoskins. Professor Sally Hoskin is renowned for her approach in intensive critical thinking and experimental design. This educational innovation has developed into a model utilized by institutions all over. Though many scientists have done research on the nervous system, neurobiologist Professor Sally G. Hoskins sought out to discover a method used to exceed in challenging tasks which require well-built skills.

            Professor Sally G. Hoskins was driven to the path of becoming a scientist when she worked on retina development and frog embryos in the seventh grade. Her interest in science was vivid during her first experience in dissecting a worm in middle school. She was allured by the technique of using her hands for dissecting a small worm and looking deep inside of the worm with a dissecting microscope. Continuing challenging experiments in grad school has revealed Hoskin’s passion for attacking difficult assignments with effort and dedication. For one of her experiments, she was curious on “birth dating” of cells with radioactive label. Despite the experiment being troublesome, Hoskins continued looking at the cells through the microscope. At the beginning of the experiment, the setup seemed complicated, however she felt accomplished when the sharp dividing line between the labeled and the unlabeled retinal cells became visible. At a young age, in middle school, Hoskins had unveiled an experiment which seemed impossible at first. Therefore, she encourages others to not give up and work hard for satisfying results. Hoskin’s endurance displays the excitement a scientist perceives upon figuring out new information from experiments. Not only does Hoskin focus on her research on the embryonic nervous system, but also seeks to enhance the approaches that teachers take. The fault that she found in professors was that they take their time to teach a lesson or lecture, however they do not realize the in-depth of how research is actually conducted. Rather than just powerpoint presentations, using different tools can enhance the knowledge of students on how professors are not only teaching just because they were assigned to it, but understand that they actually take their time in teaching the subject that they take interest in.       

            There are many different tools used by institutions, such as textbooks and readings which are known. However, a methodological approach is required to enable the students to enjoy their findings during research. In order to visualize the advantages of the CREATE project, Sally G. Hoskins conducted a research study along with Kristy L. Kenyon, Morgan E. Onorato, Alan J. Gottesman, and  Jamila Hoque. Her article, Testing CREATE at Community Colleges: An Examination of Faculty Perspectives and Diverse Student Gains, provides an insight on whether or not the education innovation turned out to be effective for Community College students. This methodological approach proved to be beneficial for 2-year students since they’ve gained high levels of maturation in epistemological beliefs in science. Hoskins has the belief that along with the creation of a model or strategy, it’s essential to confirm with the institutions that this approach is proven to be effective and advantageous for students. For the study, the scientists tested the two hypothesis that, “1) 2-yr faculty trained in a 4.5-d intensive CREATE workshop will teach effectively with the CREATE strategy in their first attempt, and 2) 2-yr students will make cognitive and affective gains paralleling those we have seen previously at 4-yr institution(Hoskins and Gottesman, 2016).” The results have proven their hypothesis to be true. The utilization of Hoskin’s creative strategy helped improve the understanding of community college students. This strategy was created to assist students in a minority-serving institution, however this strategy has surpassed the expectations from a neurobiologist professor at City College of New York. Similarly, the article, The CREATE Strategy for Intensive Analysis of Primary Literature Can Be Used Effectively by Newly Trained Faculty to Produce Multiple Gains in Diverse Students, supplies another research on 4-year minority-serving institutions. Students in these institutions constructed a new form of cognitive and affective gains. Yet, once again Hoskins has distributed a study for the development of her strategy to test out the majority gains of her investment.      

              On April 2, 2017, Hoskins was presented with the Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in Education. She had received this award for her success in promoting exposure to comprehending genetic studies through a transformative strategy. This achievement was gained through the CREATE project which had left an impact on the STEM teaching. This science education method is utilized by educating students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. On the other hand, she had received other awards towards the beginning of her career, such as the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award in 1989, along with the CCNY CCAPP Teacher of the Year Award in the years 2001, 2008, and 2009. These rewards have been given to Hoskins for her work of excellence. Her demonstration of strong leadership is shown through her findings and dedication.  

             One advice that Professor Hoskins would give to students is to, “Be Bold!” According to Hoskins, collaborating with others allow a deeper understanding on topics. It’s significant to be open to experiences by travelling or sharing other influencers’ experiences. There are many opportunities in expanding knowledge on a certain field and she encourages talking or simply chatting to other professionals from the field. Sally Hoskins has acknowledged different techniques through the use of experimenting and working with scientists. With the intention of humanizing science for undergraduate students, she seeks to test the underlying analysis of primary literature. She elaborates on how significant it is to not let the opportunities slide away since working in laboratories and research provides an increase in knowledge of concepts that people are captivated by. For a better understanding of the topic, it’s relevant to put yourself in the shoes of a professional so that you can analyze what the work is composed of.

           Despite her interest on the embryonic nervous system, Sally G. Hoskins had an interest for music. Music was another field which required the operation with hands and making beats. She had founded a women’s chorus in Manhattan and had operated with them for seven years. Hoskin’s passion for music was very distinct compared to science since they focus on two whole different things. However, the approach required for both are similar in the way that they both can be worked with designs and models. A technique of growing interest in a field is through experience and realization of what the system holds. Interest is developed throughout lifetime and exposure to different areas heightens these interests.

           In final statement, Sally Hoskins is a figure who drastically revolutionizes the educational system at its core. Her ongoing research and help in developing an exciting and creative approach to research for students should serve as an example in every area of interest. Sally G. Hoskins through her passion and understanding of science and art, helped her create a brand new approach. It is thanks to Sally Hoskin’s abstract imagination and lateral thinking that she was able to come up with ideas and solutions that in the long run will harmonize and elevate understanding of science for not only students, but all the people in different professions. It is that fusion that made Sally Hoskin bring art, defined as a “skill as a result of learning or practice, into her scientific and teaching method. She defined the word C.R.E.A.T.E and left a humongous mark on the whole scientific world via her commitment and work ethics. Sally has proven another idea, that education doesn’t have to be monotonous, boring, repetitive and frustrating. Rather exciting , empowering, inspiring and connecting. But the most important factor that makes Hoskins a remarkable person is that she values her service for science and others above herself. Sally Hoskin’s approach isn’t driven by ambition or for her own satisfaction but rather by pure curiosity, which is a key factor in any field. She’s not only a great scientist, mentor, and teacher,  but her already awesome legacy proves that she’s a benevolent and a good human being. Sally Hoskin’s articles prove how she wants to merge her work for the benefit of everyone. Articles published by Hoskins ties the knowledge gained by other students. Therefore, it’s essential to understand scientists who seek to bring different approaches and adaptation methods to the table. This brings into question whether or not other scientists will also continue creating useful methodologies for the progessment of students and professors?




  1. Stevens, L. M., & Hoskins, S. G. (2014). The CREATE Strategy for Intensive Analysis of Primary Literature Can Be Used Effectively by Newly Trained Faculty to Produce Multiple Gains in Diverse Students. CBE Life Sciences Education, 13(2), 224–242. http://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.13-12-0239
  2. Kenyon, K. L., Onorato, M. E., Gottesman, A. J., Hoque, J., & Hoskins, S. G. (2016). Testing CREATE at Community Colleges: An Examination of Faculty Perspectives and Diverse Student Gains. CBE Life Sciences Education, 15(1), ar8. http://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.15-07-0146
  3. Inside the Literature: An Interview with Sally G. Hoskins, 2017 recipient of the Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in Education. (2017, December 06). Retrieved from http://genestogenomes.org/hoskins/
  4. Hoskins, SG and Krufka A (2015). The CREATE strategy benefits students and is a natural fit for faculty. Microbe 10 (3), 108-112.